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The Office Phone Number
After hours, the office phone goes to a paging operator. Of course, if it is life-threatening please call 911 first! If you are having a significant problem you can call, and Dr. Stiles can direct you. 

The Emergency Room
If you must go to the Emergency Room, Dr. Stiles can call ahead for you. If you are admitted to the hospital, the ER doctor will usually call Dr. Stiles. If you are sent home, you should come in to to the office soon so we can make sure you are OK. 

Sick but not an Emergency?
If your problem can wait until the weekday morning, please call first thing. We will see you that day since you are sick. 

Some of the Many Issues We Can Handle in the Office
We can handle many things in the office, including infections, abscesses, asthma attacks, congestive heart failure problems, migraines, and lacerations. Lacerations, however, need to be sewn up within 8 hours to prevent infection. 

We have several rapid detection tests that can be done in the office. We can test for:

  • congestive heart failure (not for some insurances)

  • influenza A or B

  • mononucleosis (“mono”)

  • strep throat

  • urinalysis

  • blood sugar

  • pregnancy


We can also do these tests in the office for some patients, depending on insurance:

  • HgAIC (Diabetes control test)

  • Cholesterol Lipid panel


After Hours RefillsRefills are rarely an emergency. Please plan ahead to get your refills on time. General RefillsIf you have refills on your bottle, call your pharmacy to fill it. If you are out of refills, call us. During the work day we have a Refill Line you can access by following the instructions on the phone system. We will call them in within 48 hours. On the voicemail, leave:

  • your name

  • your date of birth

  • pharmacy phone number

  • the medication (spell it please)

  • how you take it

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